My Dream for a Better World

My dream for a better world is to have less violence, and more love. There is a lot of violence in this world today. I have a dream that all people are equal. I have a dream that we won’t have to wear masks much longer. I have a dream that we all come together as a family, and love one another. I have a dream that there is less hate in this world. I have a dream that all people follow the Lord. I have a dream that we all come togeter, and unite. I have adream that I become a great, and loving person. I have a dream that all animals find a great home. My personal dream is to own a horse. I have adream that people pick up after themselves, and stop littering. I have a dream that people get over their fears. I have a dream that people get over their sicknesses. I have many dreams, and you should have them too!

MLK Subject Predicate Poem

 MLK Subject Predicate Poem


                                        People segregated.

                                        Rosa refused. 

                                     Blacks protesting.

                                         Dogs dashed.

                                        People jailed.

                                       Blacks sprayed.

                                      “I Have A Dream”.

                                        Laws passed.

                                   King assassinated.

                                          Individuals sobbed.